Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Beast, Unleashed

Connor has been a true beastie today.  Given that he's taking in four or more more ounces at his feedings and fussing at every waking moment (which is most moments; the dude hasn't napped for more than 30 minutes so far today), my sister and I have determined that he's experiencing a growth spurt (please god, let that be what this is).

My first day at trying out his official schedule has been a complete bust.  Besides sticking to the feeding times I had set out (I'm going to blow by his 4:30 feeding since he's finally snoozing.  Shhhh!), his naps have been haphazard and shoddy, peppered with crying jags and a blatant refusal to close his eyes and conk out already.  At each nap I would change his diaper, tell him it's nap time, lay him in the crib, turn on the mobile and his white noise machine, and back slowly out of the room so as not to wake the sleeping beastie.  But, I really had nothing to worry about because he wasn't sleeping.  He was playing possum, giving me a false sense of security until I had settled my frustrated ass on the couch just to watch the lights on the baby monitor jump fitfully.

Yeah, I'm awake.  What of it?

I may sound spiteful, but I'm not.  I'm just tired and want to kid to take a much-needed nap.

In order to give the routine a full day's fighting chance, I didn't load us up and go anywhere today.  We didn't even go out for a walk, what with all of the rain that's been washing across the area for the past few days.  I'm ok with it, though.  I'm feeling lazy, a bit tired, and just not motivated to take the show on the road.  Add to that the fact that Zach has class tonight and I think I need to conserve all of my energy to make it through until he comes home to provide me a little bit of relief.

I forgot to mention that since 'Rad has been born, the Lions haven't lost a game!  Luckily, unleashing the beast is beneficial to someone.  Here are the boys commemorating their most recent victory over the Bears:

And since we're on the topic of animals, here is Connor's impersonation of Simba (with dad's help):

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