Friday, January 01, 2010

My Big Day Out

I did it. I paid full price and went to see a movie. An IMAX movie. Then I went out to dinner. Yes, today was a big day. Zigg and I bucked up and saw Avatar on the big big screen. We bought the tickets in advance after being denied yesterday, and then waited in line for an hour before the movie so that we weren't denied good seats, too.

It all paid off: we got great seats and came out raving after the whole "3D IMAX Experience." I'm not going to oosh over the details and graphics of the film because that's not what I'm here for. But, what I will say is that there was so much non-stop action from the get-go that (warning: unsavory details ahead) it literally made me puke. I stumbled over 3D bespectacled spectators a little over an hour into the movie in a crush to hit the head before the sour taste in my mouth decided to become something more, which it inevitably did. After a few minutes of fresh air (a theather heavy with popcorn and human musk didn't help), I got back into my seat in that ungraceful way that I do and was able to enjoy the rest of the movie. I would consider seeing it again. Not only because it was good, but because I'd like to see it without interruption.

We had a late night last night ringing in the new year (happy 2010, all!), so we ate breakfast after 11:00 am then headed to Avatar with my bag stashed with drinks, sweets, and beef jerky. Between breakfast and the end of the movie, Z and I shared a bottle of water and some fruit Mentos, so we were ready to eat when the movie let out.


"How about making tonight not just movie night, but dinner and a movie night?" we thought. We are crazy! I know. So we headed the car in the direction of Red Lobster and feasted ourselves silly. It may sound silly, but the movie + the feast was just the small vacation that we needed to get this year off to the right start. It always comes back to this: it's the little things.
So, back to the whole New Year thing. I have a good feeling about 2010, I really do. I'm optimistic and I think there are lots of exciting things in the cards for this year, but I'm not jumping on the resolution train. Haven't we learned anything from putting such large expectations on ourselves and our lives? I'm still learning, but I believe that resolutions are good, but new year's ones are best avoided.

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