Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Milestones and Mealtime

Babies seem to hit milestones left and right - so many things are firsts.  For example Monday was the first night that Connor slept in his own crib and not in our room.  

But when you grow up, the milestones seem few and far between.  Since my 30th birthday has come and gone, I'm not sure if I have any milestones to anticipate within the next few years.  Well then, I guess it's up to me to create my own milestones.  I love watching Connor approach and pass his own, but it's important that I have milestones that don't involve anyone but myself.   To that end, I've joined the Day Zero Project.  Admittedly, it's taken me more than a week to come up with just 45 things for my list, but 1001 days is a long time and 101 is a big number so I have time to evolve with and think up what milestones I want to set for myself.  There's something liberating about creating your own milestones instead of going by some preset list of 'stones. 

I popped into Jo-Ann fabrics yesterday and I gotta tell you, I didn't realize how much I missed crafting until then.  I wouldn't call myself a "crafter," but I like to knit up the occasional scarf or hat and when necessary I enjoy making birthday cards instead of purchasing them.  When I walked into that crafty mecca though, I suddenly felt invigorated and inspired which was in keeping with the spirit of what brought me there in the first place - to create some invigorating and inspiring curtains for Connor's room.  Ok, so invigorating might not fit the bill, but you know what I mean.

I left the store with plans to return for future projects and with four panels of this fun fabric:

Thanks to these easy instructions, I hope to have two full sets of curtains whipped up sans sewing machine within the next week.  

Actually, I might want to give myself more than a week's time to complete them because 'Rad has been an insatiable beast this week.  I give him a 2.5 oz bottle at one feeding in the afternoon and he feels the need to drain almost both boobs on top of that.  Seriously, kid?  The last few hours leading up to bedtime last night were essentially a feeding marathon, with me putting him to the teat at least every hour.  It's hard to handle a fussing baby not just because he's fussing, but because I can never be sure if he's fussing for a legit reason or if just because he's a baby and that's his M.O.  I know this is nothing new to anyone who's not a rookie mom, but it's a real mystery to me.


Emilie-Eric said...

I'm inspired by this post for multiple reasons. 1. I love that fabric - makes me want to go pick out something fun to make myself. 2. Love the idea of this Day Zero Project. I am curious about some of the things on your list and it makes me think about what I would put on my own. And more related to your whole blog in general, but thanks again for sharing all of this with me!

KristinG said...

Sounds like a growth spurt lol Lola eats everything in sight when she goes through one, and when she was on formula alone a normal day was 50+ ounces! Look into a book called the Wonder Weeks - we found it somewhat helpful regarding what baby is experiencing. It's tough work being a baby - so much growing and learning in such a short amount of time!

Jojo said...

Em, do you have any projects going on right now? You're such a crafty lady, I could learn a thing or two from you!

Kristin, thanks for the suggestion on the book. I was all prepared with my pregnancy expectation books, but don't have any reference now that baby is actually here!

Emilie-Eric said...

Jo, actually, you inspired me on this one and I'm making curtains for Eric's office and for the "music room". I say that in quotes because it's been in the works for nearly a year now, and the guitars still haven't made it into that room yet. I have also made a few personalized onesies for whoever. I buy basic Gerbers and add embellishments. I have a Steeler onesie ready to go for the day when I've got a little one to put into it. Any requests?