Saturday, November 05, 2011

T-Minus 1 Day

Good-bye Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj.  Until next time Sweet Dee, Dennis, Mac, Frank, and Charlie.    And most importantly, I'll miss you, Baby Connor.  One more day and we'll go our separate ways during the day to luckily be reunited too many hours later each day.  It's comforting to have a daycare provider that I'm comfortable with and who I trust, but she's not me.  To prepare myself for the big adjustment, I put together a quick 36-picture album to take with me to work, to carry around in my purse, to have in the car...Basically to have with me at all times in case the need to smile beatifically at that beautiful baby face strikes.  I think it's going to hit a lot.

I have to go and enjoy the time that's left before I officially become a working mom.  Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

RookieMom Heather said...

We had that onesie! Love. I'm going to email you something about returning to work. Good luck!