Monday, October 24, 2011

A Quick Update

Just a quick update as I type away at my mom's computer and 'Rad lays on her bed:  We are in Michigan for our week away from home.  We spent the weekend in Chicago where I hung out with The Crazies (my sister's three kids), got a significant dose of anxiety while I watched four kids for a few hours, and at some unmatchable Thai food.  I'm sufficiently terrified of having another kid.  But more on that later.

'Rad and I are doing well.  It was such a relief to get to my parents' house last night where we could settle in and sleep in our phatty new bedroom (no more basement sleeping for us!).  The nerves that I traveled with are pretty much gone and I'm looking forward to our mom and baby week with my mom and dad.  And then my sisters.  And their kids.  And then Z.  I love the family-filled, always hectic weekends in Michigan.

Have a great week!  You may not hear from me until next week!

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